Saturday, March 1st was not like any other matchday for Welling United. This weekend, it was about much more than just another game as it was the weekend we kicked off our key role in supporting NHS Bexley and local health services to engage local people and help tackle various health inequalities.
Joining the football club, we had Bexley Wellbeing Partnership Team, MIND, Bexley Health Pharmacy team & DDM team in attendance.
Together, it gave all services the opportunity to engage local men and families around the following key areas:
- Blood Pressure Checks
- Health Assessments
- Mental Health Signposting Services
- Healthy Eating, Cooking, Diet & Nutrition Information
- Local Health Services
Welling United Football Club is positioning itself at the forefront of such initiatives, with our community being the main focus of what the club is here for and how we can collaborate with others in impacting lives and bringing everyone together.
Working with Patrick Gray, Bexley Wellbeing Partnership Team & Bexley Council, we were thrilled to successfully engage with more than 40 men, who registered for the event and access these services, with the club providing free tickets for those attending the event, and staying to watch the game versus Slough Town afterwards. We also had a great surprise on the day, as Bexley Council sent along their film crew, who were shooting the 60th anniversary film that is in production and will feature our event.
Some of the feedback from the day was brilliant, and we have received requests from other local health services to utilise the club for future events and partnership projects – further evidence that we are indeed more than just a football club!
Since the day, we know that, as a result of the health checks taking place, we had attendees referred to their GP and specific health issues flagged as risks. We also had a number of men signposted to our very own Talk Club sessions, and have since had requests from a local healthy eating and cooking course to be implemented at Welling United.
We are proud of the work we are undertaking and collaborating with some great people and organisations to support our community and local people. Keep your eyes peeled for more upcoming events.